Value for High Quality at Coolana
An outstanding quality line-up of Angus bulls was presented to buyers at the Coolana Victorian Autumn bull sale at Chatsworth last Thursday, 3rd March. They were 17-18 months of age, extremely well grown and described by Elders auctioneer Ross Milne as, “The best ever presented at Coolana, especially considering the less than ideal seasons they have come through.”
Although not animated, the moderate sized crowd that included 33 buyer registrations actively competed for the quality on offer, producing a very solid result. 72 of the 78 offered found new homes, selling to a top of $14,000 and averaging $5645.
This was slightly down on last year’s very buoyant sale when the same number of bulls averaged $140 more, and also had a top $500 higher, but considering one of last year’s two dominant buyers didn’t operate this year, getting their immediate needs at the Coolana SA sale last month, this result was very solid and pleasing from a vendor perspective.
To keep it in context, in the last six months the Gubbins family has sold 197 Angus bulls in three sales at a $5741 average; eight more bulls and at a $500 higher average than over the same period in 2014/15; a very credible progression.
The other big buyer from last year was back in force again. Simon, Andrea and Jack Rowe, Princess Royal Station, Burra, SA started the ball well and truly rolling with an $11,000 winning bid on the very powerful and impressive Coolana Debonair K461. They continued on to the very last lot sold, picking up 24 bulls in total and paying to the sale top of $14,000, but averaging a great value $5292.
Pass Rate
The top priced bull was lot 4, Coolana Conversion K468, sired by Silveiras Conversion 8064. Both his phenotype and genotype were beautifully balanced but the highlight of his figures was the highest EBV for Eye Muscle Area in the catalogue of +10.3.
In effect it was really a sale of two halves. Seventeen of the 23 successful bidders purchased in the first half of the catalogue, with those 36 bulls averaging a very healthy $6764. However the high of just $6000 in the second half saw the latter 36 average $4528, which was very much in the buyers’ favour. Similarly, Princess Royal averaged $7222 for nine in the first half, while their 15 in the second half only averaged $4133.
“We were delighted to be able to get the run of good bulls for our station country at such good value. We expected we would have to pay much more than that,” Simon Rowe said.
“For us, it was good to get a good return overall, but to see regular supporters also get access to very good high ranking performance bulls at great value in the second half of the catalogue was also pleasing,” Mark Gubbins said.
Four bulls sold for $10,000 or better. Narweena Station, Woodhouse are repeat Coolana clients and they paid $10,500 for their top purchase, this being one of three at an $8000 average.
Larnoo Agricultural Investments, Ghin Ghin and buying through Lanyons Hamilton also paid a top of $10,500 for one of their four purchases; these averaging $7000.
The second highest volume buyer was another South Australian. Deb McDonald, Moonee Hills Pty Ltd and buying through her Meningie based Spence Dix & Co agent Mark O’Leary, added seven bulls to the 13 she bought at the SA Autumn sale. She paid to $8000 and averaged $5643, almost spot on the overall sale average.
Legendary beef industry consultant Dick Whale purchased nine bulls for three clients who could not attend. He averaged $5125 for four bulls for Amberley Park through Landmark Bairnsdale and $4750 for four bulls account Burnfoot Pastoral, booked through Elders Wangaratta. His other purchase was at $5000, purchased account Quat Quatta, Corowa through Corcoran Parker, Albury.
Abbey Hills Partnership, Hawkesdale and operating through Kerr & Co, Hamilton are long term Coolana clients and also purchased four excellent quality bulls to $8000 and at a $6000 average. For them to win some sponsor product for purchasing the lucky lot was a nice reward. The other sponsor package went to the volume buyers, the Rowe family, Princess Royal Station.
David and Robyn Roach, ‘Killkenny’, Hawkesdale have been strong Coolana clients for many years. They paid Coolana’s highest ever price of $16,000 last Spring sale and added two bulls from the SA sale last month. They purchased two more top bulls in this sale at $8500 and $7000 to continue their emphasis on top quality sire selections.
In thanking buyers for their attendance, Mark Gubbins said the family was committed to thoroughly testing their bulls for structure and health issues to ensure clients could buy with confidence in the integrity of their bulls.
Agents: Elders
Auctioneer: Ross Milne